Post New Year Thoughts

B'H Rosh Hashana was great yet hectic!

Our Toddler daughter and baby made getting ready a big challenge by making one mess after another!
But in the end B'H everything came together and we had a lovely and peaceful Yom Tov .
I had my outfits planned out so fashion wise that was very helpful and as a bonus Yom Tov present my 2 year old WORE CLOTHES !!!! I still can't get over it... you see ,she is going through this "feral stage" where she won't let me dress her or do her hair, but loves to decorate herself with sharpies or crayons left around by her older siblings....She often looks like a blonde Mowgly or a lord of the flies extra unless we are going out to the park or the store!

You readers can imagine how this developmental face causes me the "fashion maven" (who loves dressing anyone) some daily challenges ....I cope and keep sane with a good sense of humor and by reminding myself that this too shall pass : )

But enough of my "free range toddler" ....

Here is what I made food wise...Bread and sides were cooked in advance ,but unless is shabbat I like my food as freshly made as possible.

13 large foccacia style flat breads (lees fridge crowding and it looks cool).
Chicken Fesenjan (pomegranate glazed chicken)
Basmati Rice for an Army
Veggie Simanim Soup with mini round egg dumplings (leek, gourd ,spinach cooked in veggie stock)
Simanim :Black eyed peas,leeks,spinach,squash,Pomegranates....Plus a Lamb head (my husband roasted the head outside ..I can't bear the scent)
2 potato kugels
1 carrot kugel my daughter stole it and ate it under the table so it never made it till Yom tov!
Roast beef.
mini squash kugels
Honey garlic glazed chicken with sesame seeds
Treya: chicken and noodles slow cooked in chicken stock
1 apple pie
1 large apple strudel
Sweet paprika roasted chicken
Twice cooked potatoes (boiled then pan fried with onions and a pinch of curry)
and other stuff I can't recall As my brain is tired for some reason.....




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